пятница, 22 мая 2009 г.

Take action for anti-fascists of Ukraine and Russia 24th and 25th of May!

International call

Recent months have seen unprecendent levels of repression against anti-fascists in Ukraine and Russia. Anti-fascists have been both framed up and punished for defending themselves against Nazis. In Ukraine, President proclaimed Antifa to be "extremists" and ordered the law enforcement agencies "to scrutinize political motives" behind the death of Nazi activist Maksim Chayka, who died in Odessa after an attempt to attack 5 anti-fascists with his 15 friends. Referring to Nazis as "patriots", Yuschenko showed his sympathy with them. Soon Ukrainian secret service SBU, controlled by president, announced that a pro-Russian party was behind the death of Chayka. Obviously, this incident is used by various political forces for internal political struggle. 22nd of April, anti-fascist from Kiev was kidnapped, beaten up and transferred to Odessa, but eventually released. SBU is also claiming, that suspected killer of Chayka is hiding in Russia, and has demanded his extraction to Ukraine. Even if that is the case, it is unlikely that he will face a fair and unpartial court after interventions of the president.

Meanwhile Russia, a country hinted by Yuschenko do be behind Antifa in Ukraine, is also repressing anti-fascists with a vigor. 21st of April, Moscow anti-fascist Aleksey "Shkobar" Olesinov was given one year sentence for a fight in a bar in August 2008 which did not even took place. 8th of May in St. Petersburg, anti-fascist Aleksey Bychin was sentenced to 5 years in prison, for a fight with two Nazis (of whom another was a police officer) in June 2008. 14th of May in Kazan, anti-fascist Artur Valeev was given 4 year prison sentence for inflicting minor wounds to Nazis who attacked him and his friend in November 2008. In Izhevsk, police cooperates regularly with Nazis to fabricate criminal cases against anti-fascists, during year up to 80 anti-fascists have been arrested for different cases and currently there are at least two serious felony cases with 6 defendants going on. In Vladivostok, court proceedings are going on against Yura M., who accidentally killed one of the two Nazis who assaulted him in November 2008. And at last, Artyom Lokutov, anarchist artist from Novosibirsk was planted drugs 15th of May, in a blatant attack against alternative culture in the city as a whole.

Most of the provocations and repressions against Antifa in Russia are organised by CPE, "Center of Counteraction against Extremism", a new police department founded in New Year to replace old UBOP, "Administration of Struggle against Organised Crime". Already before the rebranding, UBOP was notorious for provocations and even murder of political activists, so change of name was just final confirmation that authorities are rather fighting political opposition than mafia.

But whatever they say, Antifa is not sponsored by powers of the "West", or "East", we may only count on grassroot support around the world. In face of increasing repression, and where a number of victims of fascist violence is mounting (in Russia only, during first 4 months of 2009 at least 23 people were killed and 98 wounded in racist attacks), Anti-fascists are standing firm in front of attacks of both the state and racist groups. Today, international solidarity for anti-fascists of Ukraine and Russia is more necessary than ever!

Anti-fascists from Moscow, Kiev and all around the world

What to do?

Make an action, big or small, targeted against Ukrainian and Russian authorities in your city 24th or 25th of May. If you do not have embassies or consulates in your city, you may target any Ukrainian or Russian major business, most proper target being the Gazprom corporation, which is pretty much the same as the Russian state. List of Gazprom subsidiaries is available for example here:

If you make an action, please report back to abc-msk AT riseup DOT net!

For more information on recent repression:

http://avtonom.org/abc (site currently down at times due to server upgrade)

A call to action in London 24th of May:
This text in Russian: http://avtonom.org/index.php?nid=2526

пятница, 15 мая 2009 г.

German judges a want to sent the punk band SS-KALIERT in prison!

Немецкий Суд предъявляют обвинение немецкой панк-рок группе SS-KALIERT за использования нацисткой символикой . Они утверждают, что группа использвает нацистскую молнию SS со времен второй мировой войне в своем логотипе. Это обвинение предъявляет 3 года в тюрьмы для каждого участника группы согласно немецкому закону. Такая чушь только возможна в Германии, никаких в других страна в мире не предъявляет такое обвинение - только зато что они использовали шрифт, где вы можете законно скачать в интернете (http://www.urbanfonts.com/fonts/Incantation.htm). Очевидное даже не соответствует с нацистским символом SS. Как на счет одной из самых больших немецких банков - "SparkaSSe"? Или людей с инициалами S.S, как Simon Schuster например? Их тоже садить за то, что у них такие же эмблемы? А как на счет улицы Graf-ADOLF-Street, который вы можете найти в почти каждом большом немецком городе и почему они не будут переименованы? Это полный Абсурд!!!

SS-KALIERT всегда были строгими антифашистами, антирасистами и анти-националистами. Группа использует такие логотипы как "Good Night White Pride" (Спокойной Ночи Белая Гордость) или зачеркнутую свастику на их web-сайтах и на их альбомах, да же в текстах песнях есть антифашистское послание и на каждом интервью, которое они дают. Они даже были приглашены играть в Сентябре 2009 года в Израиле и трудно поверить, но даже японскому гитаристу SS-KALIERT Эйджи предъявляют обвинение за то, что он использовал "нацистскую" символику. Вплоть до даты суда над SS-KALIERT, они не будут предъявлять свой логотип и называние как их собственность.

Группа будет благодарна за каждый вид поддержки, даже коротким примечание в жураналах, интернет-журналах (ЖЖ) или коротким сообщение на радиостанции об этом случае. Пожалуйста, распространите текст об этом не до разумением случившись в Германии и помогите группе избежать наказание!

Войти в контакт с группой можно через их myspace (http://www.myspace.com/sskaliert), или непосредственно через электронную почту (benni@ss-kaliert.de), если у вас есть что-нибудь, что может помочь в дальнейшей информации для публикации.

On English:

German Prosecutor sued Punkband SS-KALIERT due to the use of their logo. He claims the band to use the lightning-bolds of the Nazi SS in World War 2. This is punishable with up to 3 years in jail for the band members by German Law. Such nonsense is only possible in Germany; no other country in the world would sue somebody for using letters of a font you can download legally on the internet(http://www.urbanfonts.com/fonts/Incantation.htm) that obviously doesn't even match with the Nazi SS symbol. What about one of the biggest German banks- the "SparkaSSe"? Or people with the initials of S.S, like Simon Schuster for example? Would they get sued for using their initials? What about a Graf-ADOLF-Street that you can find in almost every bigger German City, why won't they be renamed? Complete Nonsense!!!
SS-KALIERT is and has always been strictly anti-fascist, anti-racist and anti-nationalist. The Band uses logos such as "Good Night White Pride" or crossed out Swastikas on their websites and on their releases, clear statements in their lyrics and in every interview they give, they have been invited to play Israel in September 09 and hard to believe but also true- even SS-KALIERT’S Japanese guitar player A.G is sued for using a "Nazi" symbol. Up until the court date SS-KALIERT will not give in and keep both logo and name as they are.
Get in touch with the band through their myspace(http://www.myspace.com/sskaliert), or directly through email(benni@ss-kaliert.de) if you have anything that can help, or need any further information for a publishing.

вторник, 12 мая 2009 г.

«Solidaridad con Faro!»

При поддержке иркутского лейбла MAKIMA Records (http://makima-label.blogspot.com/) и OSA (Organized Siberian Antifa- http://o-s-a.anho.org/2009/05/ ). вышел музыкальный сборник в поддержку активиста антифашистского движения Колумбии Фредди Рамиресом (Фаро), несправедливо арестованного из-за лживых показаний неонацистов.

На CD-диске представлено 11 групп локальной сцены Боготы – родного города Фаро, от ой/стритпанка до хардкора. В том числе и группа, в которой играл сам Фрреди - Komintern 43, а также: Brigada Oi! , Accion Por El Cambio, Urban Noise, Desastre Capital, Ultimatum, Los Suziox и другие… От каждой банды по одной песне. Диск вложен в картонный конверт с буклетом, в котором описано, что произошло и чем можно помочь Фаро.

Цена диска – 100 рублей, все деньги, вырученные от продажи диска, пойдут на оказание юридической помощи Фаро. Тираж ограничен.

Для заказов пишите на e-mail: ogopogos@gmail.com

Вы можете послушать группу Фаро здесь: http://www.lastfm.ru/music/Komintern+43

Более подробно о международной кампании в поддержку Фаро, вы можете узнать здесь www.myspace.com/solidaridad_faro

Оказать финансовую помощь в россии, вы можете сделать, перечислив пожертвования на yandex деньги: 41001354662112

Международное политическое заявление

Мы осуждаем огромную несправедливость совершённую в отношении нашего товарища Фаро, обвиняемого в совершении преступления которого он не совершал.

Утром 15 марта этого года наш друг и товарищ Фредди Рамирес (FARO) из политической организации RASH был арестован полицией, без какого либо ордера в лучших традициях полуфашистских банд парамилитарес, когда он покидал свой дом вместе с женой и дочерью.
Подло обвинённый в преступлении которого он не совершал он был быстро схвачен, и сразу подвергнут суду и тюремному заключению с нарушением всех прав и с оскорблением его достоинства.

Он уже много дней находится за решёткой в одной из самых страшных тюрем Колумбии став жертвой плохо обоснованной лжи неонацистов, которые обвинили его в инциденте в котором его не было. «Демократические силы порядка» якобы представляющие правопорядок в Боготе полностью доверяют этим лживым свидетельским показаниям и жестоко содержат нашего товарища в тюрьме.

Мы призываем всех проявить международную солидарность для помощи в частичном покрытии судебных расходов которые необходимы для его освобождения.

Правда всё равно восторжествует!
Мы не те, кто лжёт и вводит людей в заблужение!

Нет безнаказанности и несправедливости!
Солидарность и свобода сейчас!
(///)RASH Богота(///) - http://www.rashbogota.org/

Свобода, равенство, солидарность

1997-2007 – 10 лет на улицах и в классовой борьбе

Официальная секция RASH UNITED

On English:
With support of an Irkutsk label MAKIMA Records (*http://makima-label.blogspot.com/*) and OSA (Organized Siberian Antifa- *http://o-s-a.anho.org/* ) be issued V.A - CD in support of the active worker of antifascist movement of Colombia Freddi Ramiresom (Faro), unfairly arrested because of false indications of neo-nazis.

On CD-disk are presented eleven band of a local scene of Bogota – the native city of Faro, from Oi!/StreetPunk a to hardcore band. Including group in which played Frredi - Komintern 43, and also: Brigada Oi! , Accion Por El Cambio, Urban Noise, Desastre Capital, Ultimatum, Los Suzioxand others … From each gang on one song. The disk is enclosed in a cardboard envelope with the booklet in which it is described that has occurred and than it is possible to help Faro.

The disk price – 100 rubles (3 dollars), all money obtained from sale of a disk, will go on rendering of a legal aid of Faro. The quantity is limited.

For orders write on an e-mail: ogopogos@gmail.com or on a mail box:

664053, Russia, Irkutsk, R-Luxembourg street, house 325, flat 62,
Ogorodnikov Igor Nikolaevich

Official site to label MAKIMA Records:http://makima-label.blogspot.com/

To listen band is possible here: http://www.lastfm.ru/music/Komintern+43

In more details about the international campaign in support of Faro, you can know here:

Solidarity – our weapon!

четверг, 7 мая 2009 г.

The Press release by from Irkutsk comrades

On 1st May, 2009 Irkutsk anarho-communists, anarchists, libertarian socialists, radical ecologists and anti-fascists have taken part in meeting about a palace of sports Work. Then have taken part in traditional demonstration, having generated the block. Nearby 13-20 people when the column of demonstrators going on Lenin's street by a building of aviation technical school, anti-fascists and anarchists have started to scan slogans “Freedom to Alexey Olesinovu!”, ”Antifascism not a crime”, in a column have been lighted Flash Fire.
The police officer going nearby has shouted in a portable radio set: “Begin operation“ Representation ”!”

After it demonstrators were suddenly surrounded with police officers and special purpose group. It without having presented and without having specified the detention reason, they began to beat people rubber bludgeons. In a column surrounded with banners the crush has begun. Beat even girls and the pensioners participating in demonstration. Defenseless demonstrators sufficed, broke hands and dragged on asphalt to special vehicles. In total 20 persons have been detained. Arrested persons delivered in the Kirov Police regional site where representatives of department on struggle against extremism began to interrogate them. In Police site upon arrested persons put physical and psychological pressure. Police officers scoffed at arrested persons and declared that it to spit on Office of Public Prosecutor and that it anything for it will not be. Reports wrote and copied, changing and juggling with in them the facts within 9 hours. At first incriminated obscene abuse in a public place. Arrested persons have refused to sign reports in which the unreliable information has been specified. At all arrested persons, despite that they had with themselves passports, have finger-printed and have spent photo-video shooting. Removing on the chamber, the police officer asked everyone, whether it ranks itself (himself) as movement of anti-fascists and did marks in a notebook.

In 8 hours after detention of 4 persons have sent in the special receiver-distributor on two days to court. On a question why have chosen these 4 persons, police officers have answered that have chosen at random.
To Monday court have transferred on Wednesday as the judge has not been acquainted in advance with case.
On Tuesday of four arrested persons were in court for acquaintance with the case materials.
Other reports appeared in case and another story altogether already absolutely. Under the version of police officers, in a column scanned antigovernment and antimilitian slogans, suddenly demonstrators dressed in all black and with black hoods in the face of a steel to set fire and throw smoke candles in passers-by.

On numerous requests to stop demonstrators answered with obscene abuse to police officers, during detention have shown furious resistance. Special means to demonstrator’s police officers did not apply. And one of militiamen in general has written the sentimental story how to it that has fallen to a head that hot and has begun to flow on the person - it has gone blind also all the rest remembers hardly. All it is the bald lie and falsification is can confirm a large quantity of witnesses which were nearby. In precisely the same way have been used against anti-fascist Alexey Olesinova’s. The purpose of police officers is rendering of pressure upon members of antifascist movement which very now grows in Russia.
Original version in Russian here:

вторник, 5 мая 2009 г.

May day - 2009 in Krasnoyarsk

In Day of the international solidarity of workers, participants of Krasnoyarsk group of anarchists, Punk Revival - Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk anarchists, and also sympathizing active workers and active workers, have taken part in demonstration. Despite a rain and a strong wind in a column of anarchists 17 persons have gathered.

Anarchists went under black and black-red flags with a banner "Rights do not give, the rights take!” scanning on the way slogans: "Above, above a black flag! The state the main enemy!", "Freedom, Equality, Anarho-communism!", "Die, Die, Die capitalism!", "Make capitalism history! Struggle!", "Freedom to the people - death to empires!", "Go to Street - return a city!", "Any power! Any state!", "Self-management - our purpose, revolution - our means!", "Freedom to Alexey Olesinovu!", "While we are unite - We are invincible!".

After demonstration meeting on which anarchists distributed leaflets "Workers has taken place while there is nothing to celebrate!" (grua.webasyst.net/DD/2.0/file_link.php), answered various questions of the interested of participants of meeting. As a whole present benevolently reacted to a column of anarchists, with interest read leaflets. Time and again phrases were audible: "What good fellows, youth! What beautiful and correct header have made!" During meeting and demonstration were not any conflicts to representatives of repressive bodies, only before the beginning of demonstration they have asked anarchists: "Who at you main? What is written on a banner?". Having satisfied with answers, they have left.

For the free and self-coping organizations of workers!
Make organized resistance to against the state and capital!

Links on Russian:

Who are we?

The Punk Revival is a community of anarch-punks created in 2003 in Northern the capital cultural city of St.Petersburg (Russia). The reason creation by the organization became increase in russian the punk movement: indifference on the relation of a policy, and also threats from Nazi. At the majority of punks there was no at that time any exact a concept about anarchism as self-management, equality, solidarity, and also D.I.Y cultures and ways of struggle against fascism and a police brutality. The purposes and problems Punk Revival just consisted struggle against all displays of a kind of fascism and authoritarianism and doing in an emphasis on anarchical relations in the present and as consequence an alternative way of life, radical antifascism, antipatriotic, nonconformist, counter-culture, noncommercial creativity, RIOT against system of consumption and management of the person of the person.The realised revolt and intelligent struggle against any power. In some years of idea about organization creation Punk Revival became actual and began to extend on all country and yes in country Ukraine regions. But unfortunately it is more successful also active was generated and began to operate actively in cities of the Russian Federation: St.Petersburg, Archangelsk, Moscow, Voronezh and Krasnoyarsk (Siberia).

The Punk Revival – Krasnoyarsk has been created in June, 26th, 2008. Before was time and not the official name Krasnoyarsk Group of Anarcho-Punks in which in common was a part of Krasnoyarsk Group of Anarchists. The reasons creation Punk Revival in Krasnoyarsk, were same as to St.Petersburg and in June, 26th, 2008 the group Krasnoyarsk Anarcho-Punks had been solved by the unanimous decision about official organization formation Punk Revival – Krasnoyarsk .

The first our action was “Action of solidarity with protests against G8 in Japan” in July, 20th, 2008 where distributed leaflets «Is not present to the G8 summit! », (where it was told about danger of activity G8 to all World, about protests against the summit and about reprisals concerning the Japanese active workers) and hang out banner «No G8! THEM 8 – us 6, 5 BILLION» in the size 6,5 on 1 meters on one in the central part of a city.

More close to autumn as have carried out the action from solidarity Alexey Bychinym from St.-Petersburg which has been subject not by lawful arrest of police because of fight c the Nazi which itself had appeared the police officer. Later we also carried out actions of memory the victim Russian anti-fascists: Feodor Filatovu and Timur Kacharavym.

As we always took part in others the action of Krasnoyarsk anarchists in against army, authoritarianism and on 7th November, both the 1st of May and antifascist.

We though young on the relation of other old organizations Punk Revival from St. Petersburg, Moscow, Archangelsk and Voronezh, but for us struggle still to proceed and at us still it is a lot of and affairs, which should make somehow to make Krasnoyarsk the punk community more libertarian and independent from of reprisal of fascism and the capital power.

Stand up and Resist!
Make punk a threat again!
Contact Us:
Official site to organization Punk Revival - Russia:
Official site to Punk Revival - St. Petersburg
Official site/blog to Punk Revival - Krasnoyarsk

понедельник, 4 мая 2009 г.

About this Blog

It is a blog a devoted the Krasnoyarsk organization of anarho-punks: “Punk Revival” from the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk (Russia). In it a blog we stir all possible articles and the news done by movement Krasnoyarsk punks in Russian and English language. And so other articles and news of our comrades from others anarho-punk of the organization and anarchists.

We are very glad to co-operate and receive information from communities another every possible and existing the anarho-punk a limit abroad of Russia: Northern and South America and East Asia. All at whom is any information on event of the past the anarho-punk movement, novelties zine, films and music send the message on our e-mail: kras-punxrevival@riseup.net .

We wait for your letters ;).
Punx Unite!